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Keyword: Financial Performance

Effect of Financial Leverage on Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Nigeria

Leverage Interest Cover Debt Equity Ratio Financial Leverage Financial Performance

Stella O. Okezie — volume 6, issue 1&2 — pp. 53-63
Stakeholders’ Perception of Social and Environmental Accounting and Reporting on the Financial Performance of Companies Listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange

Corporate Social Responsibility Financial Performance Accounting Social and Environmental Accounting Finance

Ukpe E. Amos, Eno G. Ukpong & Hycienth Abuajah — volume 3, issue 2 — pp. 158-170
The Effects of Firms’ Performance on Executive Compensation in Nigeria

Financial Performance Board Size Executive Compensation Nigeria Remuneration Agency Theory Stakeholder Theory

Tonye Ogiriki & Opudu D. Okubokeme — volume 3, issue 1 — pp. 114-122