Submission Guidelines

The Editorial Board welcomes articles for consideration from the following areas:


  1. Failure to submit articles in the correct style may result in referral or rejection.
  2. Articles should be original and have not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
  3. Articles should not exceed 15 pages in length. They should be typed-written, double-spaced, on one side of A4 paper. They should be accompanied by author’s name, phone numbers, postal address, and e-mail address.
  4. Articles should be headed by an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  5. Table and figures should be kept to the barest minimum: typed in the text and numbered sequentially.
  6. Quoted passage of more than three lines should be extracted: indented 5 spaces and typed single-spaced. Shorter quotations should be endorsed in single inverted commas
  7. Footnotes are not permitted. The journal adopts the author/date system of citation, by which reference is made in the text by citing the author’s surname and date of publication of the work.
    For example:
    • It has been suggested (Etuk, 2015) that the customer is …
    • Etuk (2006) has suggested that the customer is …
    • Some authorities (Etuk, Okon, Ukpe, 2014) have suggested …
    • Whenever appropriate the exact page reference should be given:
      • Ekpuku (2006:20-26) has suggested …


The full Bibliographical references are contained in the list of references at the end of each article. All works cited should be listed in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Please note the following:

Submission and Article Processing Charges (APC)

For physical submission, two printed copies of each manuscript should be forwarded to:

The Secretary (Dr. Aniebiet Etuk),
Department of Marketing,
Faculty of Management Sciences,
Akwa Ibom State University.

For electronic submission, a Microsoft word copy should be sent to the editor-in-chief at or optionally, you may submit your article using our online submission form.

Upon acceptance, an Article Processing Charge (APC) will be paid as follows:


All correspondence and contributions should be addressed to:

AKSU Journal of Management Sciences
Faculty of Management Sciences,
Akwa Ibom State University,
Obio Akpa Campus.

E-mail :
Phone: 08023502118

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