✶ Other articles in this issue

Green Procurement and Corporate Vitality of Road Construction Companies in Rivers State

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This study examined the correlation between green logistics activities and the corporate viability of road building firms in Rivers State. The study parameters encompass green procurement, eco-design, and reverse logistics, whereas growth, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction serve as measurements of the dependent variable. The study addressed three research issues and evaluated nine null hypotheses. The study population consisted of eighteen (18) functioning construction enterprises in Rivers State, listed in the finelib.com, a Nigerian Directory and Search Engine. The study employed a census approach to distribute three copies of a questionnaire to Site Managers, Logistics Managers, and Supervisors of construction enterprises in Rivers State. A total of 54 participants were utilised for the investigation. Data were collected from respondents using a meticulously designed questionnaire. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was employed to evaluate the hypotheses utilising Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23.0. The p- values were computed to ascertain the significance of the proposed link. Analytical results indicated statistically significant positive correlations between the dimensions of the predictor variable—green logistics initiatives—and the measures of the criterion variable— corporate vitality. The study revealed that green logistics activities are highly associated with the corporate viability of road building enterprises in Rivers State. The study thus advised that managers of road construction firms in Rivers State implement green procurement practices, including eco-labeling, material standards, and product certification, to attain their growth objectives; they should also adopt reverse logistics practices to enhance client satisfaction and overall corporate vitality; furthermore, managers should exercise caution in selecting eco-designs to ensure responsiveness to client needs and optimise operational performance.

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