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Nexus Between Demographics Diversity Management and Employee’s Performance (Study of Leadway Assurance Company Limited, Lagos State)

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Organizational quest of goal attainment aside all requires that every employee’s need to align with one another during work for improve performance. The study brings to needs the nexus between demographics diversity management and employees performance, using Leadway Assurance Company Limited, Lagos State, Nigeria. Review of different literatures was made, and the study methodology is descriptive research design. Questionnaire from two hundred and nine (209) participants using taro-yamane statistical module form the sample size determination through simple random sampling. The population of study comprises of four hundred and forty -one (441) employees using Chi-square as Statistical tool of analysis. The findings revealed that demographics diversity is multi-faceted; the results show that the null hypotheses (HO) in hypothesis one and two were significantly rejected due to the reason that, the computed Chi-square value for both hypotheses are higher than the chi square table value at 5% level of significance (179.48 > 9.49 and 103.54 >9.49 respectively), with no exception of hypothesis three (experience qualification) that show positive relationship, because computed value of Chi-square(119.37) is higher than the table value of Chi-square(9.49). The conclusion establish is that, not only employee’s experiences qualification impact positively on performance, but, other examined variables in the study does establish nexus between demographics diversity management and employee’s performance. The study recommends that, management must endeavor to emphasize diversity in their operational planning across all strata levels, but should cautiously and carefully embark on promotion based on experience, team spirit and collectivism together with provisions of relevant training through seminars/workshops to reconcile and leverage on diversity among employees/work force, as against use of discriminating features centered on tribe, religion, nationality, gender, age or physical handicap.

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