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Impact of External Debt on Construction Industry (A Study of Some Cement Industry in Nigeria)

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This research work was aimed at ascertaining the impact of external debt on construction industry in Nigeria with emphasis on cement industry in Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. While data used for the analysis were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, 2013. The period of study was 1999-2015 and Ordinary Least Square was the tool of analysis. From the results of the data analysis, it was discovered that External Debt stock had a positive and significant impact on cement industry activities, while External Debt Service Payment had negative and significant impact on cement industry activities in Nigeria. The study recommended amongst others, that Debt Management Office should set mechanism in motion to ensure that loans were utilized for purposes for which they were acquired as well as set a ceiling for borrowing for states and federal governments based on well-defined criteria.

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