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Corporate Tax Audit and Tax Compliance Level in Nigeria

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Tax audit is the independent examination of the returns submitted by taxpayers to the relevant tax authorities to ascertain the level of tax compliance by taxpayers. The objective of this paper is to examine the effect of corporate tax audit on the tax compliance level in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, data was collected from primary and secondary sources. The secondary sources was from scholarly published and unpublished studies and the primary source from a well structured questionnaire two hundred and fifty (250) questionnaire were sent and two hundred and twenty (220) respondents retrieved. The empirical analysis provided a significant relationship between tax audit penalty on tax compliance level in Nigeria. On the basis of the empirical result, the paper concludes that tax audit is one of the compliance strategies that can be used to achieve tax compliance in Nigeria because the average Nigerian is known for tax evasion and avoidance using all the available means of not paying the relevant tax to government. Therefore, the paper recommends amongst others that government should show some degree of accountability and transparency on the revenue collected to make citizens understand the connection between tax revenue and expenditure; the government should implement the relevant tax laws faithfully, equitably and fairly irrespective of the persons status and organization concerned; the relevant tax authorities at all levels should improve on the standard of tax audit employed for effectiveness and efficiency in tax administration to reduce the high level of non-compliance on those that are self-employed.

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