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Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria: A Study of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Micro-Credit Scheme in Uyo LGA of Akwa Ibom State

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This study examined the impact of poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria using United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Micro Credit Scheme in Uyo, L.G.A. of Akwa Ibom State. It attempted to ascertain if United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) micro credit scheme has significantly improved the standard of living of the people, promote agriculture, and growth of small scale business in Uyo, L.G.A. It employed survey research design. The study population consisted of both male and female adults. A stratified and simple random sampling was used in selecting the respondents. The major instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire entitles Poverty Alleviation Questionnaire (PAQ). Such theories as bottom-top theory were adopted in this study, the finding revealed that UNDP micro credit scheme has not significantly improved on the standard of living of people, promoted agriculture, and the growth of small scale businesses in Uyo L.G.A. This study recommended that UNDP must put more effort in its current approach to poverty reduction. To this end, the participatory is recommended. This approach should be tailored towards meeting the needs and aspirations of the people. Partners should do everything to pay up counterpart funding to enhance completion of projects by these agencies. Members of the community, not just the privilege few (leaders) should be actively involved in formulation of policy and implementation of these policies. While monitoring effort should be intensified. The wasted fertile land in the rural areas should be used profitably through the provision of good farm implement, improved crop species, extension services and monitoring. This will go a long way to boost food production that will not only guarantee food sufficiency in the rural areas but also in the urban centre. Also, the availability of the raw materials can attract the presence of companies that can help bringing out positive change.

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