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Conflicts Between Peasant Farmers and Herdsmen in the Middle Belt of Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural and Business Education

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Food availability or abundance makes a nation partly secured, especially when issues of social security are being discussed. But the lives and livelihoods of people come under threat when that privilege is absent, thus, the pride of peasant farmers in the middle Belt of Nigeria. This paper therefore discusses the conflicts and absence of environmental protection and peaceful co-existence among peasant farmers and cattle rearers in middle belt of Nigeria with implication for food security. The paper commences with identifying areas regarded as the middle belt of Nigeria. Meaning of communal conflict and environmental protection issues that hinder effective farming activities are also discussed. Peasant farming and its roles in Nigerian economy are also discussed. Fulani herdsmen crises and Boko Haram insurgency are noted to be the major factors militating against farming activities in the middle belts of Nigeria, culminating in food scarcity and high cost of living for Nigerians. The paper recommended demarcation of grazing reserves for Fulani herdsmen on their various grazing tracts and flash points of possible conflict should be identified and quickly addressed before they occur or break-out. That all parties involved should be satisfied with the trajectory of the peace talks for lasting solution to be achieved.

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