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Political Leadership and Economic Development: The World View and Nigeria Perspective

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Political leadership and economic development are two sides of a coin. The success of one is a function of the success of the other. Political leadership worldwide is directed towards economic development (macro-economy) thereafter other types/forms of development set in. Political leadership in this regard is the constitutional leadership set up by the power of the constitution through the instrument and agency of democracy characterized by a functional rule of law. The world view of political leadership is based on the constitutional democratic system and application of the rule of law. Countries such as America, Britain, France, Germany and their respective leaders such as Obama, Theresa May, Angela Mekel etc. are examples of world leaders who have taken sides on democratic stance. Also, the world view of economic development is based on the system of Government in operation e.g. capitalism, fascism, socialism, totalitarianicism etc. The above system is what guides the political leader on the direction to follow towards economic development. There are certain parameters used to know a good political leader and a healthy or good economic development. These include: true democracy, rule of law, high level of investment, industrialization, equality of income, low poverty rate, high level of independence, self reliance etc. In Nigeria, successive governments since 1999 under democratic rule have different economic plans. Unfortunately these plans have not led Nigeria to the state of economic and political independence. This can be attributed to poor leadership, unrealistic economic plans, corruption, terrorism, militancy, tribalism, etc. The democratic system and political leadership in Nigeria are still shaky and as such economic plans have not been realized. To be independent as a country, Nigeria has to practise true democracy and governance by of the rule of law.

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