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Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills Through Effective Human Capacity Development

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The United Nations became concerned about the level of poverty, hunger, diseases, material and mortality rate, etc in many nations and called the attention of these nations towards eradication by the year 2015. Based on this, the National Education Reforms was initiated. Education is a key factor in poverty reduction and national development. Unemployment soars high in the Nigerian society today. Graduates of institutions from every field of human endeavours wait endlessly for jobs that are not readily available. This scenario has adversely affected the national life of the productive sector of the economy. Economic and social development of Nigeria is imbalance and this requires the contributions of individuals who have the rightful skills in both the public and the private sectors to set up businesses, employ others and produce quality goods and services to remedy the ugly trend. The objective of this paper is to examine the implication of entrepreneurship Skills in enhancing human capacity development. In order to facilitate the work, data were collected from secondary sources. The secondary data relied on related works from textbooks, conference papers, journals, etc. It was found out that effective Entrepreneurship programme in the e-era would require adequate funding. Based on findings, it was recommended, among others, that individuals should be encouraged to go into Entrepreneurship development. The government of Nigeria should execute the Entrepreneurship programmes through adequate provision of loans to deserving Nigerian citizens for self-reliance and national transformation.

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