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Conflict Analysis in Societies and Prevention Strategies in Nigeria a Study of Ikot Akpan Udoete and Amasaraba Communities of Akwa Ibom State

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Conflict is inherent in all societies. It occurs at every community of humans. However, there is no single cause of conflicts. This is why conflict analysis in societies is necessary so as to know the profile, causes, actors, and dynamics of conflict which they would create room for devising prevention strategies to curb further escalation of violent conflict. The study adopted survey research design and respondents wereselected for sampling using simple random sampling technique across the study area. A total of two (2) communities in the south-south zone Akwa Ibom State were used as sample area of the study. The methodology used in achieving this aim is through questionnaire, personal interview as primary source of information and textbooks, journals, seminar papers etc as secondary sources. It is observed that conflict analysis provide just a snap-slot of a highly fluid situation and is highly political biased. Conflict analysis believed to contribute to the development of conflict – sensitive approaches and design strategies and interventions that stand in better chance of not escalating conflict but help to make societies more resilient to violent conflict. The study recommended that dealing with economic disparities through development programmes can help both disadvantaged and advantaged parties by reducing inequalities, increasing earning, poorer and creating a sense of self-worth. Also, conflict analysis is political and biased; it would be more productive and be clear about the conditions under which the conflict takes place.

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